Striker of Bangladesh National Football team Wahed Ahmed married expatriate Shahnaz Ahmed Priya on Wednesday. The wedding programme of Wahed and Priya was held at the Sunrise Community Centre in Sylhet city. The members of Bangladesh National Football team were present at the wedding ceremony.Wahed Ahmed lived at Golapbagh in Ward No-24 under Sylhet City. Priya was an inhabitant of Tajpur in Sylhet city. Priya and her family lived in London, the capital city of England.Last year in June, Priya came to Sylhet. After that the formal engagement between Wahed and Priya was held.After wearing the engagement ring Priya returned to London. 26th March of this year Priya arrived in Sylhet. Then the wedding party of Wahed-Priya was held on Wednesday.The newly married couple has sought to the people of Bangladesh for their happy life.