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Bangladesh is making remarkable progress

29Ansar Ahmed Ullah

Bangladesh is making remarkable progress in the areas of poverty reduction, increasing enrolment at primary schools, lowering infant mortality rate and maternal mortality ratio, improving immunization coverage and reducing the incidence of communicable diseases said Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury.

Media Adviser to Bangladesh’s Prime Minister, Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury, who is accompanying Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on a visit to London was speaking at a get together with  the UK based Bengali press & media on 14 June 2015 in Pride of Asia restaurant, Mile End, East London.

The event was hosted by Nadeem Qadir, Minister (Press), Bangladesh High Commission London and attended by London based Bengali journalists representing weeklies, dailies, news agencies and satellite TV channels.

Mr Chowdhury was giving an overview of Bangladesh’s achievement. He added that Bangladesh has already met several targets of the UN like reducing poverty gap ratio, attaining gender parity at primary and secondary education, under-five mortality rate reduction.

He further said Bangladesh’s media is free to operate but we cannot expect press to deviate from of liberation ideals.