This week, local residents joined the Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Swan Housing Group and the Greater London Authority to celebrate the first wave of new homes from the £300 million Blackwall Reach regeneration project. The properties in Camellia House and Blashill Court have now been handed over to residents, many of whom were previously living on the adjoining Robin Hood Gardens Estate.
The new phase has delivered 98 properties. 79 have been let to social housing residents, a further 8 homes have been made available to people living and working in Tower Hamlets and the remainder to leaseholders from Robin Hood Gardens to enable them to remain in the local area. The development has been built on land held jointly by Tower Hamlets and the Mayor of London.
The 98 new homes, together with Swan’s Regional Housing office and new multi- purpose Community Facilities belong to the first part of a four phase regeneration project replacing the existing 252 Robin Hood Gardens properties with over 1,500 homes in the next ten years.
Half of the homes delivered will be affordable homes. In addition to delivering much needed housing, the project will provide new community facilities; a replacement mosque; commercial units and an improved central park while creating training and employment opportunities for residents.
Mrs Nasima Bibi and her family are delighted with their new home after previously living in Robin Hood Gardens for many years. She said:
“It is an absolute pleasure being a resident of Blashhill Court which meets the needs of the 21 century modern living. These purpose built homes are well designed for the next generation which we are proud of.”
Mr Munaim Rahman welcomed the Mayor of Tower Hamlets, council cabinet members and the GLA’s deputy mayor for housing and land to his new home and added “It’s great living in this new accommodation which is well designed and fit for purpose for the families and new generation.”
Sandra Fawcett, Executive Director of Operations from Swan Housing Group said: “We’re delighted to have handed over 98 new homes from Phase 1A of the Blackwall Reach regeneration project to residents. Work on Phase 1B, which will deliver 242 new homes and retail units has already begun.”
Mayor of Tower Hamlets John Biggs said: “Blackwall Reach is a successful and ambitious regeneration scheme to deliver more than 1,500 top quality and much needed families homes.
“The success of phase one is a testament to the positive working partnerships behind the project, and the way in which residents have actively engaged with the plans from the outset.
“It is particularly important that we address the chronic shortage of really affordable housing, and that local people have more opportunities to live in the areas they grew up in.”
Councillor Sirajul Islam, deputy mayor of Tower Hamlets and cabinet member for housing said: “Blackwall Reach is an excellent example of how we can build on the long-standing community spirit, and create a development which both existing and new residents and families can be proud to call home. Our new homes are attractive and practical, and built with the needs of residents at the centre.”
Councillor Rachel Blake, Tower Hamlets cabinet member for strategic development said: “The new Blackwall Reach development is a key scheme for Tower Hamlets delivering improved housing, alongside new and improved community and educational facilities. The transformation of the area is already impressive and I look forward to seeing how the next stages are making this part of our borough such a great place to live.”
Richard Blakeway, Deputy Mayor for Housing and Land, from Greater London Authority said: “This high quality regeneration of Blackwall Reach will deliver 1,575 new homes, excellent community facilities and an extended school. The first phase we are opening today provides new high-quality, affordable and local housing, without the need for a housing grant – an impressive achievement. Overall, Blackwall Reach will create nearly six times the number of homes on the existing estate, with many low cost properties to rent or buy, and a much improved built environment. This is one of many sites where the Mayor has released land to ensure much needed new housing can be delivered and is part of his wider work to double house building in the capital.”