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Khales Uddin Speaker and Sabina Akhtar Deputy Speaker

8Cllr Khales Uddin Ahmed has been appointed in as the new Speaker and Cllr Sabina Akhtar has been appointed as Deputy Speaker in the AGM of Tower Hamlets Council held on 18th May. They will carry out their duties for 2016/2017 financial year.

The Mayor’s cabinet have not seen any changes. Cabinet members for the last financial year will be performing their job for this financial year.

The new Speaker Khales Uddin Ahmed was elected from Bromley North and new Deputy Speaker Sabina Akhtar was elected from Stepney Green wards respectively. They will be replacing Cllr Abdul Mukit Chunu and Cllr Rajib Ahmed.

On the AGM day, Mayor John Biggs proposed their names and Deputy Mayor Sirajul Islam supported it. As there were no candidate for the posts, the new Speaker and Deputy Speaker were elected uncontested.

The other cabinet members are Cllr Sirajul Islam, is Statutory Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Housing Management and Performance, Cllr Shiria Khatun is Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Community Safelty, Cllr Rachael Saunders is Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education, Children’s Services and the Third Sector, Cllr Rachel Blake is Cabinet Member for Strategic Development, Cllr Joshua Peck is Cabinet Member for Work and Economic Growth, Cllr Amy Whitelock Gibbs is Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services, Cllr Asma Begum is Cabinet Member for Culture, Cllr Ayas Miah is Cabinet Member for the Environment and Cllr David Edgar is Cabinet Member for Resources.

Mayor John Biggs also appointed there councillors as his adivisors. These are Cllr Denis Jones, Cllr Helal Uddin and Cllr Dave Chesterton.

Departing Speaker Abdul Mukit Chunu will be acting as Scrutiny Lead Member for Resources and Cllr Rajib will be acting Chair of Licensing Committee.