Home / Lead News / British High Commissioner Alison Blake’s statement to mark the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan

British High Commissioner Alison Blake’s statement to mark the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan

9In this holy month of Ramadan, Muslims in the UK, Bangladesh and across the world, will sacrifice the day-to-day luxuries that so often we take for granted; and will pray for people in need and fast to show devotion to God. It’s also a time to reflect and help those living in extreme hardships.

Bangladesh has a rich tradition of hospitality and of celebrating festivals, including religious events, with neighbours, friends and colleagues regardless of religious and social status. Ramadan with its daily iftars and sehris is a month long opportunity for people and communities to come together in peace, in a spirit of selflessness, of charity, of compassion, of equality and respect.

On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, the British Government and people, I and all the staff of the British High Commission wish you all Ramadan Mobarak.