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Eid message from Theresa May

fggTheresa May said:

I want to wish all Muslims in Britain and the many Muslims around the world Eid Mubarak! This is a special time, in which families, friends and communities join together in a period of prayer, celebration and joyful contemplation.

I want to take this opportunity to thank British Muslims for the tremendous contribution you make to our country. Many of you will mark Eid al-Fitr as you marked the fasting month of Ramadan, with acts of charity and service to your communities. The generosity of British Muslims in supporting those in need in this country and around the world is truly remarkable.

As families and friends come together, it is also important that we remember how our communities enrich the cultural diversity of this country, and the contribution made by Muslims in many different fields and in different ways to our national life. And I am proud to say I have experienced this hospitality and seen this contribution first hand in my constituency and at events up and down the UK.

But this is also a time to remember those less fortunate and those who are suffering. I think particularly of the appalling attacks we have seen recently in Medina, Baghdad and Turkey, but also the ongoing pain and hardship in countries such as Syria and the many people who have affected by that terrible conflict.

I want to wish all Muslims once again a joyful and peaceful Eid. The dedication, faithfulness and hard work of Muslims has helped make Britain the country it is today. And by working together, we can make Britain a country which works for everyone.

Eid Mubarak