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11th year celebrating the best of the British Bangladeshi community.


Bangla Mirror Desk:

The British Bangladeshis have made their own place in multicultural Britain with contributions in their respective fields and have been playing a major role in the growth of this country. The British Bangladeshi Who’s Who publication emphasises the success of the Bangladeshi community and showcases it to both the British and Bangladeshi community in the UK. Helen Grant MP, Vice Chairman for Communities for Conservative Party and a former Justice Minister and Sports Minist, Rt Hon Theresa Villiers MP former past Secretary of state for Northern Ireland also former Transport Minister , Speaker of Tower Hamlets  Council, Clllr Ayas Miah, Mayor of Swindon Cllr Junab  Ali, Mayor & Chairman of  Southborough Town Council  Cllr. Zulhash Uddin, Deputy Chair (Deputy Speaker) of Council  London Borough of Newham  Cllr Nazir Ahmed,  Leader of Westminister City Council Cllr Adam Hug ,were present as special guests along with other dignitaries and leaders of Bangladeshi community at the 11th anniversary British Bangladeshi Who’s Who award ceremony and gala dinner. The enormous event was held on 6th of November at Meridian Grand in London.

In her speech, Helen Grant MP praised highly of  the work of British Bangladeshis and also emphasised on the invaluable contribution they are making as the integral part of British society. She also congratulated the award winners.

The programme was Introduced with the opening remarks by Barrister Anawar Babul Miah who also welcomed guests.  The event was presented by  most outstanding and highly accomplished presenters of present time, Ronnie Mirza and Nadia Ali.

Abdul Karim Goni, Founder of the publication said “the Publication and Awards Ceremony are now an important date in the calendar for British Bangladeshis. I am thrilled that our brainchild to recognise our community has reached its11th year of this publication and launch gala dinner.


From humble beginnings the publication and gala event have firmly positioned themselves as leader in overall and all-inclusive celebration of British Bangladeshi Community and at an exponential rate. We have unearthed some of the real gems of our community.  As it grows we also find the challenge of limiting the number of profiles to a sensible quantity because the reality is that there are just so many successful British Bangladeshis, all with their own unique stories. However the publication features what we believe to be a good selection of individuals from various walks of life representing the wealth of success to be celebrated amongst this unique and wonderful community. I hope you enjoy this edition”.

Suhana Ahmed  – Executive Editor of the British Bangladeshi Who’s Who said, “ I find myself filled with a sense of contentment as I write this knowing that the British Bangladeshi Who’s Who has now made it to its tenth year. Tonight is all about celebrating the best of the British Bangladeshi community. Tonight is about you and your wonderful contribution to not only your community but also to Britain. We must not forget the reasons behind this publication. The rationale is two-fold. Firstly, I and all those involved with this publicationn sincerely hope that those who feature in this year’s edition  will be positive role models for the younger generation. Secondly,  and perhaps more importantly, at a time when various factions of  the media and society are questioning the value of migration, this publication serves not only to dispel some of the myths about migrant communities but also highlights the positive socio-economic contribution made by the Bangladeshi community to Britain. This year, like previous years, we will be awarding some meritorious individuals, who we believe have gone that extra mile. Amongst them, there are some household names and some rising stars.

The Bangla Mirror Group started publishing the first English weekly newspaper for the British Bangladeshis known as ‘Bangla Mirror’ in October 2002. Since then the organisation has rapidly expanded and also publishes the highly successful British Bangladeshi Who’s Who, an annual publication that list the profiles of the best of the British Bangladeshi community in the UK..

Special guests who attended the event were Founder of Channel S Mahee Ferduos Jalil;  Country Manager of Biman Bangladesh Airlines UK Shafiqul Islam; Chairman of UKBCCI Bajloor Rashid MBE; prominent businessman Siraj  Ali , Editor of Bangla Post , Former  Secretary of  BCA  M A Munim; Managing Director of Janomot Amirul Choudhury; journalist and  community activist K M Abu Taher Choudhury, renowned community  activist Faruque Ahmed; Vice Chairman of Channal S Abdul Haque, renowned businessman Emdadul haque Tipu,  Director of Prime Estate Agent Kazi Arif, Director of Eastern Pride  Mazhar Ali; renowned businessman Abdul Malique, renowned businessman Syed Altab, renowned businessman Mohammad Abul Lais, Renowned businessman Monir Ali; Managing Director of Apex  Accountancy Kamru Ali , Director JMG Air Cargo Surman Ahmed, CEO of Stirling Ackroyd Legal Emon Ahmed, Director of Mahbub and Co Mahbub Murshed, Director of Careworld Ayub Khan to name but a few.

The awards were given to those who made significant contributions in the community as well as in the mainstream.

Nobab Uddin, Editor Janomot and Former President of the London Bangla Press Club  received award from  Helen Grant MP, Vice Chairman for Communities for Conservative Party and a former Justice Minister and Sports Minister, who was accompanied by Nikkita Mulchandani, Managing Director Meridian Grand.

Mohammed Mustafa Kamal Yakub is President of the Bangladesh Caterers Association received his award from  Leader of Westminister City Council Cllr Adam Hug, who was accompanied by Mohammed Shofiqul Islam, Country Manager of Biman Bangladesh Airlines UK and Ireland.

Dr Zaki Rezwana Anwar received her award from Theresa Villiers MP former past Secretary of state for Northern Ireland also former Transport Minister, who was accompanied by Emon Ahmed CEO of Stirling Ackroyd Legal.

Shab Uddin CEO of Beani Bazaar Cancer Hospital , received his award from Cllr Zulhas uddin Mayor & Chairman of  Southborough Town Council who was accompanied by Mahee Ferdush Jalil,  Founder of  Channel S.

Mohammad Habeebullah OBE JP   received his award from Speaker of Tower Hamlets  Council, Clllr Ayas Miah,who was accompanied by Director JMG Air Cargo Surman Ahmed and Director of Prime Estate Agent Kazi Arif.

Mohammed Siddiquer Rahman  received his award from Mayor of Swindon Cllr Junab  Ali, who was accompanied by renowned businessman Abdul Malique and Managing Director of Mahbub & co  Mahbub Murshed.

The Bangla Mirror Group has been publishing the British Bangladeshi Who’s Who since 2008. The publication and event was the brainchild of the father and son. This year’s publication consists of 260 individuals including medics, journalists, lawyers, businessmen, accountants and others from various walks of life.

The Bangla Mirror group who were behind the publication boast an impressive team

Barrister Anis Rahman OBE, Barrister Anwar Babul Miah, Koyes Uddin, Mohammed Ali,Sabia Khatun,Zakir Karim, Tanima Ahmed, Rahmin Karim, Faruk Miah MBE , Ahad Ahmed ,Sadik Karim, Sajia Afrin Choudhury Shakil Ishak  also present at the event.

The 2018 publication and gala dinner is sponsored and supported by numerous

organisations and businesses, which include our lead partner Meridian Grand.

The media partners of the gala dinner includes: Channel S TV, G10 Design & printers, Janomot, Only Red Marketing, Bangla Post, Impress Media, International Media,The chosen official charity partner for this year’s event is Iqra International.

Organisations who are supporting the 2018 event:

Biman Bangladesh Airlines, Stiriling Ackroyd Legal,  JMG Cargo, Prime Estate Agent,  Mahbub & Co, Unisoft, Apex Accountancy, Bluestone Finance,  General Auto, Eurasia food Service, Careworld London Ltd, Midnight Garden, Go Phone, London Tea Exchange, Indi – Go, Portman State Agent, Littlestone Cowan Solicitors, Alexandra Hamilton, London Tiger, Probashi  Polli, Prestige Construction Group, Home Warranty, M-R Solicitors,  Citygate Accountancy, Hussain Travels, Al-Qibla Hajj and Umrah Travels and Tours, Vantage accident management group, Iconic  Glazing,  Business Support & Co

The Bangla Mirror Group is indebted to those who have supported this publication and continuing to do so, as without the community’s support the publication and gala event of such magnitude would never be possible.

The evening was capped off with excellent entertainment by prominent singers Sadia Afroz Chowdhury  and Shatabdi and lavish dinner served by outstanding catering by the Meridian Grand.