“We are very capable to meet the present demand of electricity . . . we are producing the highest as per ourinstallment capacity during daily peak-hour to meet the demand of power users,” said State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid.
Power supply will become more stable within a few months as some under construction plants will start power generation, Hamid said, adding the present government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has set a target to supply electricity to every house by 2021 through increasing the generation capacity to 24,000MW.
“Affordable, uninterrupted and reliable power supply is our main target . . . we are working relentlessly to fulfill this target and setting of modern equipment to ensure uninterrupted power to all,” he added.
According to Met office, mild to moderate heat wave is sweeping over Khulna division and the regions of Faridpur, Madaripur, Gopalganj, Rajshahi, Pabna and Naogaon and it may continue.
Day and night temperature may rise slightly over the country, said Met office.
According to the PDB, the maximum power generation on April 29 was 12,200 MW, on April 25 it was 12,067 MW and power generation on April 24 was 12,057 MW.Hamid said the Awami League government has formulated a master plan aiming to increase the power generation to 60,000MW by 2041.
As per the government’s plan, 53 power plants with a total generation capacity of 13,266 MW will go into operation from 2020 to 2026.
The government has expanded transmission and distribution lines to ensure uninterrupted supply of power across the country. At presently 93 percent people of the country have access to electricity.