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BNP to hold press conference over new rally venue

BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi on Wednesday evening said the party has not yet reached a decision whether they will hold their planned rally at Golapbagh ground or not.

He said party’s secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir will announce their decision after a meeting at party chairperson’s Gulshan office at 8:30 pm on Wednesday.

Rizvi at a press briefing held at Nayapaltan at 5:30 pm said BNP standing committee members sat in a meeting at 4 pm to take a decision on the rally venue but no decision has been taken yet.

Earlier, Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has denied BNP permission to hold Thursday’s rally in the capital’s Nayapaltan. Instead, they will allow them to hold the rally at Golapbagh.

The BNP is scheduled to hold its grand rally on July 27 in the city.