Home / Bangladesh / BNP’s Gayeshwar released from DB custody after four hours

BNP’s Gayeshwar released from DB custody after four hours

BNP Standing Committee Member Gayeshwar Chandra Roy was released from the custody of Detective Branch (DB) following his arrest from Dholaikhal on Saturday.

During his arrest, Gayeshwar was mercilessly beaten by police right on the road. Failing to tolerate police brutality, Gayeshwar fell down on the road. He was beaten even after he fell down on the road.

A video shows that several BNP leaders and workers surrounded Gayeshwar to provide him safety. They repeatedly requested police not to beat him. Police also beat them up.

At that time, the workers got dispersed. A worker held him Gayeshwar from behind. But he fell down on the road.

Despite Gayeshwar fell on the ground, several policemen swooped on him and started beating him. Later, a police official went there and asked them not to beat the BNP leader. Gayeshwar was found bleeding profusely from his head at that time.

Later, the Detective Branch (DB) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) took Gayeshwar to its headqarters at Minto Road.

DB chief Md Harun Or Rashid said police had brought him to the DB Headquarters to give him ‘protection and safety’ and a police car was taking him to his home at Jhigatola.

A clash broke out earlier in the day between police officers and BNP leaders and activists in Matuail earlier in the day.