Home / Sylhet / Seven get life term in Sunamganj for killing man

Seven get life term in Sunamganj for killing man

A court in Sunamganj district on Sunday sentenced seven people to life-term imprisonment for killing a man named Jamal Uddin in Dowarabazar Upazila of the district in 2006.

Additional District and Session Judge Jhalak Rai handed down the verdict to Motin Mia, Nurul Haque, Anar Ali, Aftab Uddin, Siraj Ali, Mangla Mia and Helal. All of them were the residents of Bajitpur village in Dowarabazar Upazila.

According to the prosecution story, in 2006 the convicts attacked one Mashuk Mia and his uncle Jamal Uddin with sharp weapons over playing carrom board at the village. Jamal Uddin died on way to the hospital. Following the murder Jamal Uddin’s brother filed a case accusing 18 people.

Testifying witnesses and evidences the court gave the judgement in presence of five convicts who were awarded life term. The duo, Mangla and Helal are on the run.

Besides, the court sentenced two people to one month jail and three others to three months jail in the verdict, said Public Prosecutor Golam Mostofa.