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7 tips to run faster and longer

Running is a great form of workout and with practice and consistency this can be turned into lifelong passion. Whether or not you are running professionally, it can offer a host of health benefits provided you don’t go overboard and give your muscles, bones and ligaments sufficient time to recover.

Here are seven tips to help you run faster and longer:

1. Increase your weekly mileage by 10-20 per cent

Aim for around a 10-20 percent increase in weekly mileage, spread evenly throughout your runs, and schedule a couple of ‘down weeks’ when your mileage is lower, to help your body to recover.

2. Eating well

Your regular diet has a significant impact on how well you run. Follow a healthy diet by including fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, oats and energy bars.

3. Hydration
It is always necessary to have an adequate amount of water in a day, but when you are working out hydration plays a more important role. To stay hydrated, drink lots of water and healthful drinks like coconut water and herbal teas.

4. Stretching after running

Every workout should begin with a warmup and end with a cooldown. After a run, stretching will assist to avoid lactic acid buildup, which lessens swelling and pain in the muscles.

5. Consistent training

The key to running faster and longer is consistency. Maintain a consistent workout routine that incorporates a mix of easy runs, long runs, speed work, and restoration days. Aim for a balanced strategy that over time increases speed and endurance. Include interval training and strength training to ensure you don’t lose muscles and active recovery of muscles can happen by weight lifting.

6. Sufficient rest and recovery

Give your body time to rest and heal in between intense workouts. Rest days are essential for avoiding injuries and burnout. Prioritise getting enough sleep, eating well, and staying hydrated to support your overall performance.

7. Set clear goals

Set goals for both the short and long term. Having goals gives you something to work towards and keeps you motivated, whether it’s covering a specific distance, hitting a target pace, or finishing a race.

Source: Hindustan Times