Home / Business / Price of eggs fixed at Tk 12, potatoes at Tk 35-36

Price of eggs fixed at Tk 12, potatoes at Tk 35-36

The government has fixed the price of eggs at Tk 12 per piece. At the same time, a decision to import eggs has been taken, said Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi on Thursday.

“At first, small quantities of eggs will be imported. But if the price is not under control, the import will be increased.”

Meanwhile, the commerce ministry set the prices of potatoes and onions too. The potato price was fixed at Tk 35-36, while the onions at Tk 64-65.

Bottled soybean oil fixed at Tk 169 per liter, open (loose) soybean at Tk 149 per liter, and palm oil at Tk 124 per liter.

Members of Directorate of National Consumers Right Protection will monitor the prices.

Minister Tipu Munshi announced the newly set prices to media at his office in the secretariat today.

The minister said that the prices of many items have increased in the market without any reason. These include important products like potatoes, onions and eggs.

“New TCB cards are being made. We (Ministry of Commerce) made cards for 50 lakh families. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has ordered to make one crore. The rest will be available soon. Card is in progress,” Tipu Munshi said.