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Zero toleration to violation of electoral code of conduct: EC Habib

The Election Commission (EC) has taken zero tolerance stance regarding holding the 12th parliament election in a peaceful and neutral manner and none will be spared in case of violation of electoral code and conduct, said Election Commissioner Brigadier General (Rtd) Ahsan Habib Khan.

Speaking at a view-exchange meeting at the Deputy Commissioner’s office conference room, he said in case of violation of code of conduct, candidates concerned will be noticed first, then they will face action.

Even candidature can be cancelled if anyone is found involved in violence, he added.

Ahsan Habib Khan said there are no weak or influential candidates in the field of election, all candidates are equal to the EC. If vote rigging takes place in any polling centre, election to that centre will be cancelled and punitive steps will be taken against officials of that centre through proper probe, he added.

Returning officer (Deputy Commissioner) Ehtesham Reza, police super A H M Abdur Rakib, election candidates and their representatives, among others, were present at the meeting.