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Transport strike in Sylhet for 5-point demands

Transport workers in Sylhet have been on indefinite strike from 6am on Wednesday to press home their five-point demand, including an end to the gas crisis.

The strike will be observed till further notice.

No long-route transports were found to leave Sylhet. People, especially SSC candidates, are facing trouble for this sudden strike.

Meanwhile, tourists from different districts got stuck due to the strike.

Mohammad Zakaria Ahmed, central committee law affairs secretary of Bangladesh Road Transport Workers Federation and president of the Sylhet District CNG-run Auto-Rickshaw Workers Union, said the approved load at CNG pumps in Sylhet runs out after 18 to 20 days of each month. This causes extreme suffering for the drivers of CNG-run vehicles.

Transport workers are not getting gas after standing in line for hours at various CNG pumps every day. Despite informing the Sylhet deputy commissioner, local ministers, and MPs about the gas crisis in the past few years to resolve the issue, it remains unresolved.

On Sunday, transport workers staged a human chain at the city’s Court Point, demanding the removal of all obstacles and restrictions on CNG loading of all CNG-run vehicles in Sylhet district.