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Awami League will be known as ‘Mir Zafar’ to country’s people: Rizvi

Country’s people will know Awami League as ‘Mir Zafar’ in future, said BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Advocate Ruhul Kabir Rizvi on Friday (May 3).

“You (Awami League) will not be able to cling to power until he Judgement Day. After you leave power, a new history will be written and people will know you as ‘Mir Zafar’ after reading that history. You will also be humiliated by people as ‘Mir Zafar’ was. And, those who are struggling now to restore democracy in the country will be regarded as the ‘saviour of democracy.’ They struggled for protecting the country and the nation. They struggled for for saving the country from Indian aggression. The next generation will know them as the saviour of independence,” he said.
Rizvi stated it while distributing drinking water and saline among pedestrians who became worst sufferers due to the ongoing heatwave across the country on Friday (May 3). Turag Thana BNP under the Dhaka City North Unit of the party organised the drinking water and saline distribution programme.

Blaming the government for mounting sufferings of common people due to the ongoing heatwave, the BNP leader said, “We can’t held the nature solely responsible for this sweltering heat, rather powerful people are responsible for it. Looters and land grabbers have been destroying the nature constantly. All of them belong to the ruling party. They have been destroying the nature in one hand and grabbing the lands of the opposition parties on the other.”

Rizvi alleged that the police have been sending the BNP leaders and workers to jails implicating them in false cases, while the Awami League men have been abducting and murdering the BNP leaders and workers. They are also occupying the houses and business establishments of them.

In this regard, he said many of the BNP leaders and workers have turned rickshawpullers after coming to Dhaka. Many of them are BA and MA passed. “Obaidul Quader said BNP leaders and workers are frustrated and leaving the country. But, why the BNP leaders and workers would go abroad? The don’t have the money to pay plane fare to go abroad.”

Addressing the Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader, the BNP leader said where do the ruling party men keep the huge amount of money they have earned from the Metro Rail project, Padma Bridge project, tender works, coal-based power plant etc? “We have information that in order to conceal such a huge amount of money, the ruling party men are going abroad regularly,” he said.

Referring to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s remarks that many political parties want to evict her from power, Rizvi asked, “Whom do they bring to power by evicting you? It is not the responsibility of any political party to evict you from power. Rather, it is the responsibility of country’s people. You’ve grabbed the ownership of the country’s people on power. You return their ownership to them and let them decide who do they want to bring to power. Your remarks prove that not a single election under you was free and fair, rather all those were dummy elections, and the elections of vote rigging.”