Home / Sylhet / Sylhet holding tax to be reduced to tolerable level, Mayor says

Sylhet holding tax to be reduced to tolerable level, Mayor says

Holing tax in Sylhet city will be brought down to a tolerable level, the mayor has announced.

Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) Mayor Anwaruzzaman Chowdhury made the announcement at a press conference on Sunday.

The SCC will logically determine the holding tax after holding discussions with representatives of civil society, he said.

He further said that review boards in 27 old wards will be formed to assess the objection applications.

Following the review, holding tax will be adjusted accordingly, Mr Chowdhury added.

The deadline for receiving objection applications has been extended until May 28 and reviews in 15 new wards have been temporarily suspended, the mayor added.

A sharp increase in holding tax has recently sparked an outcry among home owners in different wards under the SCC.

Sources said that the tax rise has been over 200 to 300 per cent for the old 27 wards in the city.

Amid the situation, various forums have voiced concerns and called for new assessments to lower these tax rates.