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TOAB demands lifting of VAT on tourism sector

Tour Operators Association of Bangladesh (TOAB), the apex tourism association of the tourism sector, demanded withdrawal of the 15 per cent value added tax, imposed on the tourism sector in the budget for the fiscal year 2024-25.

Mohammed Rafeuzzaman, president of TOAB, came up with the demand in a meeting with the President of Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) Mahbubul Alam, said a press release issued on Saturday.

Rafeuzzaman said, “We do not have the opportunity to take VAT from any tourist that we operate. Because the hotels we stay in are subsidized by the government on food and accommodation. So if VAT is imposed separately on us, the tourism sector and the tour operator sector will suffer. That is why we strongly demand the government to withdraw the ban on this sector,” according to UNB reports.