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Safety first at Barts Health

Patients and visitors at Whipps Cross University Hospital are now able to immediately identify the senior nurse on their ward following the launch of new ‘Nurse in Charge’ badges. As part of Barts Health’s drive to ensure safe and compassionate care, the distinctive red badge will be worn by the senior nurse on every shift at the hospital.Associate Director of ...

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Processed meats do cause cancer: WHO

Processed meats – such as bacon, sausages and ham – do cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Its report said 50g of processed meat a day – less than two slices of bacon – increased the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 18%. Meanwhile, it said red meats were “probably carcinogenic” but there was limited evidence. But ...

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China’s life expectancy rises, but health inequalities remain

According to a new research, last two decades have seen a rise in the life expectancy in every province of China, but the large inequalities between provinces remain, suggesting that localisation of policies will be crucial to government health reforms Two new studies reveal for the first time how health in different regions of China has changed in recent decades. ...

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Feds confiscate lethal-injection drugs imported by 2 states

Federal authorities have confiscated shipments of a lethal-injection chemical that Arizona and Texas tried to bring in from abroad, saying such imports are illegal — a move that compounds the nation’s severe shortage of execution drugs. The Food and Drug Administration said Friday that it impounded orders of sodium thiopental, an anesthetic that has been used in past executions in ...

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East London Genes & Health celebrates 4000th study participant and £5m funding boost

East London Genes & Health, the world’s largest community based genetics study, is celebrating its first milestone with 4000 local participants taking part so far. The research project has also received a funding boost of £5m from the Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE) to build an East London Genes & Health Population Genomic Medicine Centre on Newark Street, Whitechapel. Launched ...

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Barts Health NHS Trust is delighted to announce that Alwen Williams has been appointed as its substantive Chief Executive. The appointment follows an open and competitive selection process which included independent external assessment. Commenting on the appointment, Chair of the Trust John Bacon said: “I am personally delighted by this appointment and I would like to congratulate Alwen and wish ...

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UK best place to die well, India worst

Everyone dies. The goal is to last as long as possible, and to go peacefully and with dignity. For much of the world, dying well is a challenge. A new report from the Economist, dubbed the Quality of Death Index, ranks nations based on the quality of their palliative and hospice care. The United Kingdom tops the list, with the ...

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Australia moves to legalise medical cannabis

Australia is making key moves to legalise the growing of cannabis for medicinal and scientific purposes, the government announced. Health Minister Sussan Ley said on Saturday that changes to existing legislation that bans the growing of marijuana will be introduced to parliament, with the aim of providing alternate treatment for people with debilitating illnesses, reports Al Jazeera. “This government is ...

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Drug company defends 5,000% price rise

The head of a US pharmaceutical company has defended his company’s decision to raise the price of a 62-year-old medication used by Aids patients by over 5,000%. Turing Pharmaceuticals acquired the rights to Daraprim in August. CEO Martin Shkreli has said that the company will use the money it makes from sales to research new treatments. The drug is used ...

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