After a successful 23 years of serving in travel and tourism industry, British Bangladeshi enterprise Air Express opened up a new project specialising in Umrah. The inauguration of this new project ‘’ was held in LMC Hall in East London on Friday 21 August. Senior officials from Al-Hosam, the Saudi associate company of Air Express and British Airways took part at the opening ceremony.
Point to be noted that even though the number of people who goes to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj is around 23 thousand, around 100 thousand people go to Saudi to perform Umrah. There is now a high demand for five star services because of the new generation and family groups. Managing Director of Air Express Mujirul Haque Shumon mentioned that, will create a new era of five star service in organising Umrah, hotel and transportation for those who wants to perform Umrah.
He also said that as well as performing Umrah, staying in a five star hotel near the Jeddah sea beach will be entertaining. There will also be Jeep riding, camel riding, outdoor cooking and catering and a touch of Arab culture to enjoy. However, after finishing the Umrah, all the arrangements will be in strictly in Halal procedure. With, for children, there will be water sports, museum tour and different educational tours.
Vice-President of Al Hosam, Abdul Aziz Khigir said that, created by his grandfather, this organisation is now one of the leading enterprise in Hospitality in Saudi Arabia. People of the UK will enjoy a magnificent service as Al Hosam has formed the partnership with Air Express.
It is worth mentioning that Al Hosam is already managing some five star hotels in Mecca and Medina. They also have a fleet of Jeep (GMC), Mercedes and air-conditioned bus and coach under their management. They employ around five hundred staff in their tourism sector. British Muslims now can enjoy their service through their partnership with Air Express.
Kamran Bashir, Partnership Manager of British Airways, informed the guests about the special services that customers would enjoy. He mentioned that Air Express or gohaji customers will always be connected with British Airways. They will enjoy the best possible services of airlines. They can also wear the Ehram like Saudia.
Founder of Air Express, Abdul Hannan said that after running the business for more than two decades, they have stepped up to another project thinking of the new generations. He mentioned that his business’s main capital is keeping commitments and the quality of service which was promised to customer.
Guests who addressed the audience in the inaugurating event included Marketing Director of Al Hosam Taha Marikar, President of British Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce Mahtab Chowdhury, President of UK BCCI Bajlur Rashid, Biman’s Country Manager Shafiqul Islam, Khatib of East London Abdul Qayum, Chair of UK Sharia Council Hafeez Abu Sayeed, Maolana Abdul Kahhar, Principal of Mile End Abdur Rahman Madani, Professor Abdul Qadir Saleh, Islamic scholar Mufti Abdul Muntakim, Maolana Saleh Hamidi, Maolana Badrul Hamidi and Ajmal Masrur.
Point to be noted that Air Express is now currently have a 30 million pound turnover. They are planning to take this turn over to 100 million by the end of 2020. This organisation has around 150 agents across the UK its partner airlines includes Saudia, Emirates, Qatar Airways and others.
The event was presented by Abdul Munim Yahia,