Home / Local news / Mayor of Tower Hamlets statement: London Metropolitan University Relocation Decision

Mayor of Tower Hamlets statement: London Metropolitan University Relocation Decision

52Statement of John Biggs, Executive Mayor, Tower Hamlets
I was deeply shocked and disappointed to learn this week of the decision of the London Metropolitan University to relocate out of the Borough.
The loss of all the student places in the Aldgate area is a blow, but the decision to relocate the Sir John Cass Department of Art, Media and Design is particularly upsetting. The Cass through its predecessor institutions has deep roots in the East End and has a wonderful reputation for combining academic study and creative production. It is ideally situated in specially adapted accommodation at the heart of the vibrant cultural industry quarter of the city fringe.
To put this valuable heritage at risk in order to address the financial mismanagement of the London Metropolitan University is a tragedy.
I will be seeking urgent talks with the University authorities to see what can be done about a decision that threatens this proud institutional history and diminishes our local community.