Home / Local news / Ladies group KHAWATEEN organises donations for Barnet Refugee Service

Ladies group KHAWATEEN organises donations for Barnet Refugee Service

laA lunch had been arranged recently by “Khawateen” a ladies welfare organisation at Greenman Community Centre. Khawateen has been involved in community welfare since last 27 years.
The gathering was attended by the group of people from Barnet Refugee Service.  A presentation was given by the Operational Manager to raise awareness about the issues facing the Refugee Service due to lack of Government funding and cut backs.
Khawateen donated cash money in excess of £1200 and £ 500 worth of food, vouchers and clothing. The speaker thanked the members for their continuous support since last 17 years.
In 1987, the number of Muslim families in the London Borough of Barnet were increasing but found it challenging to make social contact with each other. The local Police offered financial support to the initiative of one lady who with the help of local friends formed ‘KHAWATEEN’ (Asian Muslim Ladies of North London).  The registered office of the Association would be situated in Barnet and the main objects of the Association which continue to present times are

ladies☑ To promote educational and cultural activities by arranging discussions, debates lectures, games, tours, and functions of similar nature.
☑ To promote, associate and cooperate with any charitable societies or associations whose aims and objects are similar to the objects of the Association.
☑ To provide facilities for educational, social, cultural and charitable up lift of the community, in order to improve the living conditions.

After that initial £500 from Barnet Police, all further funding requests for the next three years were turned down by the Council.

The Association was dynamic and membership increased quickly enabling Khawateen to become independent and self-sufficient.  Family events at Eid, lectures on local awareness, art, health and beauty were popular with members. There was a need identified to provide a luncheon club for the elderly members. Initially members pooled resources to contribute towards transportation from homes to the community hall, later the transport provided by the council to all elderly residents of the borough was utilised and this arrangement is in operation to date.

Khawateen has sustained itself financially through its annual membership, and the diligent volunteers have ensured an inclusive and democratic culture. During its 29 years many friendships endured and new relationships formed.