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Sense of Togetherness Shines At Iftar

Friends from all walks of life joined at an Iftar on Friday 17th May 2019 in east London. Among the buddies were newly elected Deputy Speaker of LBTH Cllr Ahbab Hussain, poet and journalist Shofi Ahmed, community activists Abdus Shahid, Sadequl Amin, Bodruzzaman Babul and many others.

The sense of togetherness shined in limelight at Lime Grill in Tower Hamlets that hosted the gathering. Amidst the climax, a friend Helal Uddin roamed onto his memory lane over thirty years back. This is when he said he bought a small little bottle of mineral water and spared it for the musallis of Taraweeh prayers. Today the group streamlines tens of thousands of free water bottles across the Tower Hamlets Mosques in every night in Ramadan.

The gathering cheered this extraordinary success. Along with all the friends the deputy speaker, Cllr Ahbab showed supports to take it to the next level.