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Invest in Bangladesh to help it become developed country by 2041: PM Sheikh Hasina


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina (right) addresses at the inaugural session of the three-day “Bangladesh Business Summit 2023” in Dhaka on Saturday (March 11, 2023)

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday called upon the global businessmen and investors to invest in Bangladesh to transform the country into a developed, prosperous and smart one by 2041.

“You people (world business community) come. Bangladesh is always ready to welcome you here — invest in Bangladesh thinking it as your country,” she said while inaugurating a three-day “Bangladesh Business Summit 2023”.

The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) organised the summit at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC) in the capital to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the country’s apex trade body FBCCI.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Commerce Ministry and the Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) are partnering the summit with the FBCCI.

Welcoming the business people attending the summit, the Prime Minister said: “I call upon you all to join the journey of us towards making Bangladesh a high income generated, developed, prosperous and innovative Smart Bangladesh by 2041.”

Sheikh Hasina said developing countries like Bangladesh as well as developed countries are facing severe problems due to price hike of essentials and high inflation caused by the Russia-Ukraine war, economic sanctions and counter-sanctions following the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Prime Minister asked the business community leaders to find ways to bring commodity prices to a normal level.

“Taking public sufferings into consideration, the business community leaders will have to find ways to bring prices of essentials to a normal level. Otherwise, you will lose your markets,” she said.

Ministers from seven countries including the United Kingdom, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, China, Bhutan and the United Arab Emirates, CEOs of 12 multinational companies, and more than 200 foreign investors and business leaders from 17 countries are participating in the business summit.

Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen, Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi, PM’s Private Industry and Investment Affairs Adviser Salman Fazlur Rahman, Saudi Arabian Minister of Commerce Dr. Majid bin Abdullah Al-kassabi, Bhutanese Minister of Commerce and Employment Karma Dorjia and Deputy Director General of World Trade Organisation (WTO) Xiangchen Zhang spoke at the opening function, while FBCCI President Md Jashim Uddin delivered the welcome speech.

The Business Summit is being organized as a part of the FBCCI’s 50th founding anniversary celebrations with the aim of creating new opportunities for trade and investment by showcasing the country’s economic potential before a global audience.

The Business Summit will showcase dynamic investment opportunities and improvements to the local business climate while also giving insights into investment priorities of global investors to improve policymaking.