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Johnson to reveal evidence in his defence over Partygate

Boris Johnson will publish evidence in his defence ahead of MPs grilling him over whether he misled Parliament about Covid rule-breaking parties.

The former prime minister faces a crucial televised evidence session in front of the Commons Privileges Committee on Wednesday.

The committee is yet to publish its final verdict – but its initial update earlier this month said Mr Johnson may have misled Parliament multiple times.

Mr Johnson denies misleading MPs.

Wednesday’s session, which could last up to five hours, will be a key chance for Mr Johnson to persuade the seven cross-party MPs who make up the committee that he did not mislead MPs in December 2021 – including when he told the Commons that he had “been repeatedly assured since these allegations emerged that there was no party and that no Covid rules were broken”.

Sources close to Mr Johnson claim he will publish a “compelling dossier” that will provide evidence and arguments that he did not knowingly mislead parliament.

In May last year, an inquiry by senior civil servant Sue Gray found widespread rule-breaking had taken place, and Mr Johnson was among 83 people fined by police for attending law-breaking events.

If he fails to convince the committee and is found guilty, he could be suspended from the Commons, and even faces a recall petition, which would trigger a by-election, if that suspension is for more than 10 days.