Home / Business / Big companies to sell broiler chicken at Tk 190-195 at farm level

Big companies to sell broiler chicken at Tk 190-195 at farm level

Amid the prevailing price hike of broiler chickens, the concerned authorities have decided to slash the increased price announcing that it will be sold at Tk 190 to195 per kg at the farm level in the month of Ramadan.

The Directorate of National Consumers Right Protection (DNCRP) today summoned the ‘big four’ companies – Kazi Farms, Aftab Bahumukhi Farms Limited, CP Bangladesh and Paragon Poultry and Hatchery Limited – for explanation of selling broiler chicken at high prices.

After the meeting with the traders and the farm owners at the conference room of DNCRP at city’s Karwan Bazar area, Director General of DNCRP AHM Shafiquzzaman said the broiler chicken will be sold at Tk 190 to 195 per kg at farm level in the month of Ramadan.

Shafiquzzaman further said a fruitful discussion was held with Kazi, CP, Paragon, and Aftab farms’ representatives and all reached a consensus about poultry chicken price.

Currently, broiler chicken is sold at Tk 220 to 230 per kg from the farms, he said, adding that the farm owners agreed to sell broiler chicken from the farms at Tk 190-195 per kg in the month of holy Ramadan.

About the decision of slashing wholesale price, he hoped that a positive impact will take place at consumers’ level in the coming days.