Home / Bangladesh / Khaleda Zia shifted to CCU of Evercare Hospital

Khaleda Zia shifted to CCU of Evercare Hospital

BNP chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia was shifted to the coronary care unit (CCU) of Evercare Hospital early Monday.

“The BNP chief was transferred to the CCU at 1:30am as per the recommendation of her medical board.”

Shamsuddin Didar, a member of the BNP chairperson’s media wing, confirmed to the media in the morning.

He said the medical board, formed for Khaleda Zia, sat in an emergency meeting at about 11:30pm. Later, they took the decision of her shifting to the CCU.

Khaleda Zia is not in a condition to stay in cabin. So, the medical board shifted her to the CCU, according to the hospital sources.

Khaleda, a 77-year-old former prime minister, has been suffering from various ailments, including liver cirrhosis, arthritis, diabetes, kidney, lung, heart and eye problems.