Home / Sylhet / Man killed, 15 injured in Sunamganj clash

Man killed, 15 injured in Sunamganj clash

A man was killed and 15 people were injured in a clash between two groups over a land dispute at Derai upazila in Sunamganj district on Monday morning.

The clash broke out between the groups of two villages at around 10am in Ujandhal village under the upazila.
The deceased was identified as Anwar Hossain, 50, a resident of the aforesaid village.

According to police and locals, the deceased brother’s Sanwar Hossain, Warid Mia, and cousin Sufi Mia had a longstanding dispute with Monfar Mia (in-law of Anwar Hossain) over planting paddy saplings on the land.

As sequel to it, the both sides locked into a clash in the morning. When Anwar tried to stop them, he was injured, among others.

Locals rescued the injured- Mehedi Hasan, 20, Sanwar Mia, 50, Uzzal Mia, 30, Sujan Mia, 40, Danu Mia, 28, and Jubel Mia, 22,– and took them to Derai Upazila Health Complex, where the on-duty doctor Moni Rani Talukder declared Anwar dead upon arrival.

Shahidul Haque Munshi, additional superintendent of police (Derai circle), confirmed the matter, adding that six people have been detained for primary questioning in the connection with the clash.

The body was sent to Sunamganj Sadar Hospital morgue for an autopsy and additional police have been deployed in the area to maintain law and order, added the ASP.