Home / Life Style / Street food festival 2024: A fusion of vibrant flavours and nostalgic delights

Street food festival 2024: A fusion of vibrant flavours and nostalgic delights

Chicken Balls have become quite a popular street food item these days – among many. But to think about a place that offers an array of flavours in such a snack would be unique.

The place in question is Cucina, and its delicious food items can be found at the stall titled ‘Soi Nana’ in the Street Food Festival 2024.

The perfect blend of spiciness, lemongrass, and various Thai mixes elevates the item to new heights. The price for a package of five chicken balls is Tk250, and the same goes for every piece of chicken fry.

Interestingly, after graduating in Communication Strategy in Thailand, it struck in Navid’s mind that he wants to pursue a career in food.

“That is when I started taking culinary courses and met Sanjida Sultana. We decided to open something together, and I continue to explore new items every day. Eventually, my dream is to establish a restaurant offering a variety of cuisines,” he shared with The Business Standard.

His dedication is apparent in the preparation of both chicken balls and fries.

The price may be higher compared to street vendors; but I must admit, I have never experienced such delicious and uniquely flavoured chicken balls in Dhaka before.

Book My Stall, an event management company, has taken the initiative to bring together a diverse range of street food delights at the Street Food Festival – 2024, hosted at the Baridhara DOHS Convention Center.

The festival commenced on 11 February and will continue until 15 February. Doors are open for everyone to savour a variety of delectable dishes, with operating hours from 10 am to 10 pm.

You can immerse yourself in the nostalgia of these flavours, and relive carefree moments through this festival.

Along with Soi Nana, there are around 10 stalls featuring Phuchka, Jhalmuri, Chotpoti, an assortment of pickles, cakes, and even Indian and Thai street food items.

In addition, the festival also features refreshing drinks, dedicated sweet stalls, and a few clothing and jewellery stands.

There were a few weak spots, nonetheless.

The number of clothing stalls equals food stalls, and foods seem to be somewhat overpriced. A standard Tk0-70 Phuchka plate is being sold for Tk100.

Cost aside – the taste of all the items remains remarkably good, and the stalls maintain a high level of cleanliness.

There is a stall called ‘Divyanash’ that presents authentic vegetarian street food, including Vada Pav, Pani Puri, Pav Bhaji, Doi Phuchka, and Roshogolla.

Anirudh Srada, the owner, recently graduated with a degree in Computer Science from Brac University. Concurrently, he manages a cloud business named Divyanash.

People were seen eagerly enjoying their Pani Puri, priced at Tk100 per plate. Traditionally, Pani Puri is known for its tangy and salty flavour, enriched with garam masala, chopped onion, chilli, and cucumber.

However, the Pani Puris at Divyansh are distinctively mild in sourness, and do not contain extra onions, chillies, or cucumbers. This variation may appeal to those who prefer less spice in their Pani Puri.

For those craving a variety of pithas, the stall Sonargaon Pitha Ghor offers nearly 20 types of pithas, including Teler Pitha, Jhal Pitha, Dudh Puli, Patishapta, and many more. Notably, they serve duck curry with bread (ruti) – for Tk200.

Adding to the festive atmosphere, there is even a carousel that contributes to the village- fair vibe.

Overall, those who are seeking exquisite street food experiences – this may be the place for you to check.