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Discussion meeting on how to protect the quality of the Bangla language.

The practice of the Bangla language is decreasing due to the invasion of foreign languages: Hossain
Mohammad Selim.
A discussion meeting and cultural function on 'Our role to protect the quality of the Bangla language'
was held on the occasion of International Mother Language Day.
Hridoy Bangladesh Sangskritik Parishad organized the event at Kochi-Kachar Mela Hall in
Segunbagicha in the capital at 5:30 pm on Tuesday.
Hezbut Tawheed's supreme leader Emam Hossain Mohammad Selim inaugurated the program with
the organization's adviser Shah Muhammad Selim Reza in the chair.
Hossain Mohammad Selim said, "The tendency to distort the Bangla language is quite noticeable
among the youths. The use of foreign languages is going on almost everywhere including offices,
courts, films, dramas, and advertisements. The practice of pure Bangla language is decreasing day by
day due to the invasion of foreign languages. The biggest regret is that some civil people in our
society use more English words.”
He also said, "Many people seem to be losing interest in the correct use of Bangla language.
Especially among our children and young generation, indifference to compassion and interest in
language is not a good thing at all. A section of children and youths are more interested in using
English than Bangla. Our existing situation is also largely responsible for this. I have no objection to
learning English, but I am not in favor of neglecting my language".
President of Bangladesh World Cancer Society Syed Humayun Kabir, Managing Director and CEO of
Guest Group Lion Saiful Islam, Founder President of Bangladesh Nari Uddokta Rupa Ahmed, Editor of
the Daily Bajrashakti SM Shamsul Huda, Vice President of Mati Sangskritik Group Riyadul Hasan
spoke on the occasion as special guests.
Special guest Mati Sangskritik Gosthi Vice President Riyadul Hasan in his speech highlighted various
weaknesses of the English language, the world's most popular language, and highlighted the rich and
disciplined form of Bangla language.
Special guest SM Shamsul Huda, editor of the daily Bajrashakti, condemned the use of the English
language in the government and non-government organizations and the courts.
Finally, a cultural function was held. The auditorium was filled with songs of the country in the
language rendered by the prominent artists of the event.