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Finance Minister tests positive for Covid-19

Finance Minister Abul Hasan Mahmud Ali has been suffering from COVID-19. Because of it, he has been taking part in different programmes of his ministry through online.

It was disclosed by Md Mahmudul Hossain Khan, Secretary (Coordination and Reforms) of the Cabinet Division, while briefing newsmen after a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Government Purchase (CCGP) and the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) held on Wednesday (May 15) at the Cabinet Division conference room at the Secretariat.

The Secretary said the meetings were chaired by Finance Minister Abul Hasan Mahmud Ali. However, he was not present at the meeting “in person” as he was diagnosed with COVID-19 positive. The Finance Minister chaired the meeting joining through zoom.

It is learnt that the Finance Minister is physically doing well in spite of being infected with coronavirus. He does not show any major symptoms of the deadly viral infection.

Former foreign minister Abul Hasan Mahmud Ali, MP from Dinajpur-4 constituency has been received the portfolio of finance minister in the new government constituted in January last. He is the country’s 18th finance minister. He is scheduled to place his first budget in the Jatiya Sangsad on June 6 next.