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Dr Samanta Lal Sen Minister for Health visits the UK

Ansar Ahmed Ullah:


Dr Samanta Lal Sen, Bangladesh’s Honorable Minister for Health and Family Welfare, is on an official visit to the United Kingdom. The primary purpose of his visit is to attend the high-level Conference on “International Response to Antimicrobial Resistance” scheduled for 16 May.

Since his arrival in London on Saturday, the Minister has been actively involved in a series of bilateral meetings and interactions with key stakeholders in the UK healthcare sector. On 13 May, he met Wes Streeting MP, the Shadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, at Portcullis House in the House of Commons. Their fruitful discussions revolved around potential avenues for exchanging training, expertise, and best practices between the two nations’ healthcare systems.

On the evening of the same day, Dr Sen met the UK leadership of the Awami League at East London’s Memsaheb restaurant—the meeting aimed to identify prospective areas of cooperation in the healthcare domain.

On Thursday, 16 May, the Minister will participate in the Conference on ‘International Response to Antimicrobial Resistance’ hosted by the UK government in association with international health organisations. Following the conference, he will attend a reception hosted by the Royal Society.

Dr Sen’s visit to the UK strengthens the bilateral ties between Bangladesh and the United Kingdom and holds immense collaboration potential, particularly in the healthcare sector. The discussions and interactions during this visit are expected to pave the way for enhanced collaboration and knowledge-sharing, promising significant benefits to the healthcare systems of both nations.