Home / Bangladesh / 60,000 people marooned in Mongla

60,000 people marooned in Mongla

Cyclone Rimal has caused extensive damage in Bagerhat’s Mongla. The heavy rain with gusty wind which started since Sunday night, is still continue.

According to upazila project implementation officer Md Jafor Rana, at least 8,000 houses and several tree were damaged during the storm. Electric poles also fell down.

Sixty-thousand people marooned as 10 to 12 villages were flooded with water. Still, around 30,000 people, including children and women, are at shelter centres.

Besides, around 2,000 shrimp enclosure were flooded with water at different places, said upazila fisheries officer Anjon Bishwas.

Meanwhile, power outage in the whole area since Sunday morning.