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14 trucks of Indian illegal sugar seized in Sylhet

Sylhet Office : Police seized 14 trucks loaded Indian sugar at Umaiagao of Jalalabad police station at around 6 am on Thursday (June 6). At this time, a private car and a motorcycle were seized.

Sylhet Metropolitan Police Deputy Commissioner (North) Azbahar Ali Sheikh said, based on intelligence information, we conducted raids and seized 14 trucks full of Indian sugar. The total number of sacks of sugar in the 14 trucks is now being counted. According to the police, the value will be more than crores of rupees.

He said that the smugglers fled after realizing the presence of the police. No one was arrested. An operation is underway to catch them.

Sugar is smuggled from India through various areas including Sylhet and Moulvibazar. But most of the sugar comes from the borders of Sylhet region. After a few days illegal sugar shipment was caught in Sylhet. Unscrupulous gangs are bringing a large amount of sugar from India illegally. The government is losing a huge amount of revenue. Besides, consumers are at serious health risk due to low quality Indian sugar.