Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who is currently busy promoting his forthcoming film
Shamitabh, believes promotions are a must now. Promotions deprive you of your self
consciousness. It does not give you a chance to be so … much as we may like to be
obsessed with the temperament. It is a necessity now, a must, a budgeted must and so
we do it,” the 72-year-old posted on his official blog He further
added: I wonder often who really is the true benefactor of these promotions … for if the
film is weak and disliked by the audience, surely any amount of glorification pre or post
would not ever enhance the box office. Would it? Nevertheless, he still does everything
to glorify his forthcoming films. ï¿1⁄2Here we are … artists of a different generation a
different league, a different age, succumbing to the lured charm of a million interviews,
appearances and presence on reality shows, trying as best we could what may be the
right equation to get everyone in the entire universe to come and see our film,” he wrote.
Amitabh, who will also be seen in films like Wazir and Piku this year, says there were
hardly any promotions required earlier. My colleagues of yore have shown no interest
in these shenanigans, and they may be right. It was never needed in their times and so
why now … but … I guess my category has been through a drastic change and therefore
it compels me to do what I never did before and do what I am required to do now,” he