Bollywood is bedazzled with amazing movies showering in the year 2015, and adding to the list of highly awaited movies is Sanjay Gupta’s Jazbaa starring beautiful Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and finer than fine actor Irrfan Khan. Aishwarya is apparently the biggest attraction in the movie as she is set to hit the silver screens after a long gap.
Actor Mithun passes away
Prominent actor Sheikh Abul Kashem Mithun passed away early Sunday at a hospital in Kolkata, India. He was 57. Family members said, he breathed his last around 2:00am at hospital. He left behind his wife, daughter and a host of relatives to mourn his death. Mithun, hailed from Satkhira, was engaged with journalism in 1978. In 1980, he debuted his film career by Bazlur Rahman’s movie Torulata. He also wrote lyrics of playback song for this movie. He came into limelight to act as a hero in Sheikh Nazrul Islam’s movie Eid Mubarak. He also acted in movies Bheja Chokh, Nikah, Kushumkoli, Prem Protigga, Beder Meye Joshna, Swargo Norok, Tyag, Norom Gorom, Ei Jibon Tomar Aamar, etc.