Home / Lead News / 100 business leaders back Mayor contender Khan to be their ‘friend at City Hall’

100 business leaders back Mayor contender Khan to be their ‘friend at City Hall’

28More than 100 London business  figures today came out to back Sadiq Khan as Mayor, saying he

would be a “business friend at City Hall”.

Labour’s candidate sought to paint himself as the most business-friendly contender by publishing a

list of 101 endorsements including a sheaf of directors and entrepreneurs.

Laura Tenison, founder of children’s boutique JoJo Maman Bébé, said Mr Khan’s manifesto

contained the best balance of policies for both bosses and employees.

She added: “Our JoJo teams really struggle to survive in London, even on good salaries. We need to

find ways to protect the working people of London who struggle with inflated rents and an

expensive, unreliable public transport system.

“I believe Sadiq Khan understands these challenges and will tackle them robustly.”

Rebecca McNeil, a managing director at Barclays, said: “With Sadiq as Mayor, business will have a

friend in City Hall.” Mr Khan’s manifesto has promised to make skills, infrastructure and growth

priorities, and to draw in experts from outside politics to guide him on business matters.

Unveiling the list, the Tooting MP said: “I will be the most pro-business Mayor London has ever had. I

am delighted to receive the backing today of some of our city’s most influential business figures.

Before entering politics I helped to manage my own business, so I understand the challenges that

our business leaders face.”

Paul May, chief executive of Patisserie Valerie, said: “Sadiq gets business — as Mayor he’ll work with

business leaders to secure London’s growth and prosperity.”

Rajesh Agrawal, founder of Rational FX, said: “Sadiq is a true London success story. He grew up on a

council estate but through his own hard work rose to become a top human rights lawyer,

businessperson and Britain’s first ever Muslim Cabinet minister.

“He wants all Londoners to have the opportunities he had, and will use his experience to deliver.”