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Fifth Muslim Charity Run on 8th of May

Bangla Mirror Desk :

As a continuation of four successive charity runs in the past, East London Mosque has announced the fifth Muslim Charity Run, which will take place on 8th of May at 10.30 am in Victoria Park. The Mosque Committee announced this in a press conference held in London Muslim Centre on 25th of April.

The leaders of East London Mosque Committee has urged to everyone to take part in the charity run and make it successful.   They emphasised that this charity run has turned into a festival for UK living Bengali community. Many of them wait for this day where they can run again and which can then turn into a healthy habit. This competition is not only bringing benefit to this world, it would bring benefit for the next world too for the competitors.

Secretary of East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre Ayub Khan read out the written statement at the press conference. Chairman of the Mosque Muhammod Habibur Rahman, Executive Director Delwar Khan, Treasurer Muhammod Abdul Malik and Imam and Khatib Shaikh Abdul Qayum addressed the audience at the press conference.

The written statement read that in the beginning the name of the charity run was ‘Run for Your Mosque’. In 2015, the name was changed to Muslim Charity Run. In the beginning the charity run only collected money for East London Mosque. Now this fundraising is open to all other charities.

Last Year Islamic Relief, Muslim Aid, Human Appeal, Jamiatul Ummah and other charity organisations joined this Muslim Charity Run to raise funds for them.

This year’s run is set to be one of the biggest Muslim Charity Runs. Hundreds of runners are expected from all age groups, from Children to senior citizens. The run will take place in Tower Hanmlet’s Victoria Park, recognised for its heritage, sports facilities, walkways and lake.

The registration for this charity run has already started. The completion will be held in four age groups. These groups are 12 years and under, 13 – 17, 18-34, 35-50 and 51 and over. Winners of this charity run will be given outstanding prizes. Runners can register by visiting www.muslim charity.com or by calling on 020 7650 3000.