By Fatema Miah:
Islamic relics in Makkah and Madina
One of the Pillars of Islam the Hajj that is obligatory deed for every well and financially able adult, that can be performed only by visiting to Saudi Arabian towns Makkah and Madina, specially Makkah and Arafath is the must, one has to attend to perform Hajjj.
Hajj is the best profit making venture for Saudi. In the recent years it has been that Saudi made almost 10 billions pounds of profit from Hajj revenues. This year alone almost two millions of Muslims came to Saudi Arabia for Hajj from across the world.
Hajj is to enter Heram Masjid in Makkah, to face and circulate Qa’ba, built by prophet Ibrahim, 7 times, followed on 7 run between Safa Marwa hills within Heram area, doing Umrah. May Allah accept the deeds. Ameen.
Also followed on, at least to attend Arafath plane on the 9 th Dual Hujja few miles away from Makkah and stoning at Jamarath performed by all sects, (spending time in Mina and Majdulofa as optional but recommended for followers of Prophet PUH and Vising Madina is desirable deed.
It has been a tradition of people from all over the world, has been coming across and gathered in Makkah during the same lunar calendar time and used to set the market with their goods in Makkah, from the time of Ismail prophet PUH.
Makkah was a historical trade market city before the time of Mohammed PUH, and it was the Quraish tribe whom had reigned in Makkah and maintained, facilitated the trade market in the place of Heram Masjid from across the world.
Of course the Qa’ba was there during Quraishians time along side other idols also were allowed there, has been circulated as the tradition and faith practice by attendees or pilgrims as same as it is being circulated in todays date.
The Quraishians of Makkah used to make money from pilgrims as was accustomed. The tradition of pilgrims still continued in todays date, that was made obligatory deed for Islamic faith practitioners After Islam established, to keep the tradition of all prophets.
Mohammed PUH the last Prophet who performed the Hajj following the tradition of all Prophets, who was from the Quraish family of Makkah, then migrated to Taiba the current Madina where his shrine the Rowda is in his last resident near by his Masjid.
13 hundred years late after Islam established, after the companions passed away, Khalifath vanished, Imperialism rose and collapsed, then the house of Saud stood on with the false but briberry from UK, found the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Kingship was given in charity or bribed to defeat Ottoman empire. In establishing Islam faith that promoted democracy, there in the name of Islam, Autocratic rullingship in placed and being practised with dictatorial and discriminative power abusing rule.
Simultaneously, faith Islam is used there as a profit making venture. The Islamic monumental places and relics are there being the source of advantage taking aspects for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. While injustice and power abuse is the prime factor, Islamic core ethos are used as bating.
Islamic Scholers of non Wahhabi faith get executed for having a difference of opinions to later made Wahhabism. Wahhabi Scholars and member of House of Saud are given high priority over all others. Non Saudians are discriminated and treated low. Westerners, the Britons are treated with well regard than other Nationality there. After Arabic it is English Language all the signs and directions written in. What is the English Language prioritised for, when British and American Asians are categorised into Indian subcontinental group?
I must admit, appreciatively the Arab guards are well behaved and respective towards Native like, fluent/ UK accent English speaking people. The other Asians, Malaysian, Indian, Bangladeshis are badly, low treated by guards I was told.
Pakistani women, gosh! Everybody talking about, Noticeably, often seen Improperly dressed up there, (thin net see through head gear also that slips off heads with small kamiz tops). It’s known to be there has been Saudi Arabia having a strong bond with Pakistan.
However, part from Hajj that is performed only once every year, also people visit Saudi on Holly trips all around the year to do Umrah rituals in Makkah, and visit Madinah to pay tribute Ziarah the prophets shrine, the peace of Jannah the heaven on earth.
All together, Saudi makes multi billions of pounds every year from the religious source alone. Also Hajj agents are the other parties fill up their pockets with commissions but serve with ignorance. Lets reflect on Abbots rule that devotion demanded compensation largely and endurance vastly led to extinction of monarchism and resulted to collapsed of Abbots rulling power.
Saudi Hajj Authority have deployed extra force and devices to provide cooling facility for Hujjazs, supplied with free water at places and facilitated in Mina and Arafath tents. It is the UK some Hajj organisers; careless profit makers cause suffering to Hujjazs and are trialed in court reported.
Undoubtedly, God fear and Love of Prophet PUH will always be in the hearts of believers though, devotion must be cared not over compensated, devotee must be made to feel relieved and satisfied not to be force to unnecessary endurance.
Fatema Miah, Solihull, uk.