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Flood water deluges low-lying areas in Sunamganj

Some low-lying areas in five upazilas of Sunamganj municipal were inundated with flood water as the water levels of Surma, Jadukata, Kushiyara and Rokti rivers have been increasing due to non-stop rainfall and downhill from upstream.

Around 6 lakh residents of those areas are facing immense sufferings. At the same time, more than 20 lakh people of Bhatir district are spending their days in fear of floods due to the increase of water.

As the water entered in the low-lying areas, roads in some upazilas including Tahirpur, Chhatak, Doara Bazar, Madhyanagar are under water.

Sunamganj Water Development Board executive engineer Mamun Howladar said if the rainfall and upstream flow continue, the water of all the rivers in Sunamganj will exceed the danger level and a short-term flood situation will occur in Sunamganj.