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Bangladesh-India hold discussions on BIMSTEC

Bangladesh and India agreed to intensify their efforts in achieving tangible progress in the field of trade and investment, connectivity, energy security, and climate change for ensuring shared peace and prosperity in the Bay of Bengal region.

Both sides also discussed the ways and means of moving forward the BIMSTEC Process and make it a vibrant and successful organisation.

Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh Ambassador Masud Bin Momen held discussions on BIMSTEC issues with Secretary (East) of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, Saurabh Kumar on Thursday at the state guest house, Padma.

Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh, Pranay Kumar Verma was also present during the meeting. \

Earlier, the Indian diplomat arrived in Dhaka on Thursday morning.

Bangladesh Foreign Secretary Masud noted that as a founding member of BIMSTEC, Bangladesh is committed to deepening relations with the member states of BIMSTEC in all aspects and moving forward in materializing the objectives of this regional organization.

He also noted that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is an ardent proponent of the BIMSTEC process, which is manifested in hosting the BIMSTEC Secretariat in Dhaka.

The Foreign Secretary reiterated Bangladesh’s commitment to strengthening the BIMSTEC Secretariat by all possible means.

Secretary (East) of MEA expressed India’s willingness to work together with Bangladesh to make BIMSTEC a most effective and dynamic organization.

He thanked the Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh for receiving him and generous hospitality extended to the Indian delegation by the Government of Bangladesh.

After the meeting, Foreign Secretary Masud hosted a luncheon in honour of the Indian MEA’s Secretary (East). The Indian diplomat will depart Friday morning.