Home / Business / 2,357 tons onions imported through Hili land port in a day

2,357 tons onions imported through Hili land port in a day

About 2,357 tons of onions were imported through Hili land port in Dinajpur district in a day. Onion is being sold wholesale at Tk 27 to Tk 28 per kg.

According to Hili land port sources, the amount of onion import has increased slightly. On Sunday from morning to afternoon, 78 Indian trucks imported 2,357 tons of onion through the port.

The wholesalers who came to the land port to buy onions said the price of local onions had increased due to the stop of imports. Prices of domestic and Indian onions have fallen after the government allowed imports. Now domestic onion is available in the market at a low price. They are now buying onions from the port and sending those to different places.

Onion traders at Hili land port said the price of onion has started to decrease due to the increase in supply compared to the demand in the market. Moreover, the quality of imported onions is getting worse as it is late in the season, hence the prices are falling. And after a few days, Indian onion will be available in the retail market at Tk 20 to 25 per kg.