Home / Bangladesh / BNP holds road march for 2nd day demanding resignation of govt

BNP holds road march for 2nd day demanding resignation of govt

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) brought a road march in the capital for the second day on Wednesday (July 19) to press home its one point demand of the resignation of Sheikh Hasina-led government.

The road march began at about 11:10am from Polwel Market at Abdullahpur. Earlier, the party held a brief rally at Uttara.

The road march was terminated at Jatrabari Chowrasta parading Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Kuril Biswa Road, Natun Bazar, Badda, Rampura Bridge, Abul Hotel at Malibagh, Khilgaon, Basabo, Mugda and Sayedabad.

BNP standing committee member Mirza Abbas led the Wednesday’s road march. The party leaders and workers joined the road march programme from different thanas and wards in the capital. At that time, they chanted various anti-government slogans.

Apart from BNP, other opposition political parties brought out road march from Paltan and adjoining areas.