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Two BNP, Juba Dal leaders arrested in Sylhet

Police arrested two leaders of BNP and its associate organisation Juba Dal from Bondor Bazar area of Sylhet city on Saturday afternoon.

The arrestees are Sylhet city unit BNP general secretary Emdad Hossain Chowdhury, and Muminul Islam Mumin, president of the Sylhet district unit of Juba Dal.

Police in plainclothes arrested them at around 4.30pm while they were distributing leaflets among the people supporting the party’s non-cooperation movement and boycotting the 12th national parliamentary election slated for January 7.

Meanwhile, BNP leaders condemning the arrest and said they were conducting peaceful political campaign.

But, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Kotwali Model police station Md Moin Uddin said that the arrestees were accused in several sabotage cases which were filed earlier with different police stations.

They were shown arrested in those cases and will be produced before, the official said.