Fatema Miah: Food is essential fundemental aspect for survival and the same food is the medicine for body to maintain healthy immune system. Food necessity, from 2014 to 2016 (from the United Nations and the Food and Agriculture Organisation) indicate that around 795 million people (around 1 in 9 of the world’s 7.3 billion people) are chronically undernourished without access ...
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Worsening and becoming life-threatening refugees and migrants
Rayhan Ahmed Topader: Health care access for refugees and migrants Legal status is one of the most important determinants of the access of migrants to health services in a country. Each refugee and migrant must have full, uninterrupted access to a hospitable environment and, when needed, to high-quality health care, without discrimination on the basis of gender, age, religion, ...
Read More »Logic and Critical thinking – Bias. Islam humiliated by Muslims bias
Fatema Miah: In Logic and Critical Thinking Bias comes in. There is confirmation bias which is the assumption must have logical reasoning, and the reasoning must be linking to either (evidence not certainly,) known factor of information with relativity of kind of explanation of knowledge reasoning. I have always noticed and it is the matter that the main understanding we ...
Read More »Human cost of Yemen war
Rayhan Ahmed Topader: More than four years of war between the Iran-backed Houthis and a coalition led by Saudi Arabia has brought Yemen to its knees, with accusations of war crimes on all sides.Yemen faces an existential threat, the United Nations special envoy has said, as he prepares to brief the UN security council on the country’s devastating, multi-faceted conflict. ...
Read More »Wall Street Alchemists – World’s Savvies Favour a Muslim Term
By Shofi Ahmed: On the way the money moves, the big world follows. And the folks who are ahead of the league, smartest savvies and technical nerds deemed as the aces making the world richer are dubbed as Wall Street Alchemists – a Muslim designation! In today’s almost completely digitised world of financial markets Alchemists, quants are the math wizards ...
Read More »The Mughal empire reenergized and reached to Bengal
Fatema Miah: Passion for empire running and Mughal eventually reached to Bengal. The Mughal emperor what at the time of Jalal Uddin Akbar under Beyram Khans direction reached up to the highest pick point and marked The Hindustan, from Kabul to Agra and Conquered Delhi. The knowledge, education and more importantly the respect of diversity what keeps the wheel ...
Read More »Philosophy – Psychology about word Orphan (Yateem in Arabic or Islamic phrase)
Fatema Miah: Orphan phrase has a significant high emphasis in society; in the past milleniums and is still to todays date per it is a word marks such emotional core level in Childs life what is the being of individual. When talking of emotion it’s links to zeal and rigid curve of society and psychology is largely shadowed by societical ...
F R Chowdhury: I belong to the first batch of the Juldia Marine Academy. It is with us that Marine Academy started its journey in 1962. A year later I joined sea as a Deck Cadet with the Pan-Islamic Steamship. I continued my career with the same company until 1971 when I had to leave because of political uncertainty. ...
Read More »Global humanitarian crisis arises
Rayhan Ahmed Topader: Digital conflict and military action are increasingly intertwined, and civilian targets private businesses and everyday internet users alike are vulnerable in the digital crossfire. But there are forces at work trying to promote peace online. It will be a tough challenge: In May 2019, Israel responded to unspecified cyberattacks by Hamas with an immediate airstrike that destroyed ...
F R Chowdhury: A few days back I wrote an article about Marine Academy in which I mentioned that our future is closely linked with sea. Thanks God, our government realized the matter and took every possible action to ensure that we get our due share of sea that the international convention UNCLOS-82 (UN Convention on the Laws of ...
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