Deepika Padukone’s latest video on ‘women empowerment’ has triggered an online debate over feminism and the way the video My Choice defines feminism. Joining the popular side of the debate now is Bollywood actor Sonakshi Sinha. Speaking at an event in Mumbai, Sonakshi said, “Women empowerment is not always about the kind of clothes you wear, not about who you want to have sex with or stuff like that. It’s about employment, strength.” The video shows Deepika talking about the freedom of choice that women must have regarding multiple issues, including having the choice to indulge in sex before marriage or out of marriage or not having sex at all. Sonakshi, however, addded, “It’s a very good initiative. It’s coming from a good space, but honestly I believe empowerment should be given to the women who actually need it, who are kind of far away from where we are right now. We have been bred and brought up with luxury.” She said that it needs to “reach out to people who actually need it, like the deep ends of this country”. My Choice, directed by Homi Adjania, calls for a change in the mindset of men about women and asks them to stop judging women for their choices of clothes, profession and life.