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Muslim pilgrims mass in Mecca for hajj

25Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from around the world on Tuesday began moving from the holy city of Mecca to nearby Mina for the start of the hajj, the world’s largest annual gathering.

Almost two million people are expected to take part in this year’s pilgrimage, undeterred by a crane collapse in Mecca earlier this month that killed 109 people and injured nearly 400 at Islam’s holiest site.

“It is a gift from God that He has chosen us to come here,” said Walaa Ali, a 35-year-old Egyptian pilgrim with tears in her eyes. “I am so happy to be here.”

Nearby, both men and women sat side by side listening to preachers explain the history and rituals of hajj.

This year’s hajj begins against a backdrop of increased jihadi violence, a surge of the deadly MERS virus and with Saudi Arabia at war in Yemen.

The first day of hajj is known as Tarwiah Day, when pilgrims traditionally watered their animals and stocked water for their trip to Mount Arafat, about 10 kilometres (six miles) southeast of Mina.

Nowadays pilgrims spend their time there in prayer and reciting the Koran. The climax of the hajj season is on Arafat Day, which falls on Wednesday.

With the start of hajj, pilgrims enter the stage of ihram — a state of purity in which they must not wear perfume, cut their nails, or trim their hair or beards.

During ihram, men wear a seamless two-piece shroud-like white garment, symbolising resurrection and emphasising unity regardless of social status or nationality.

Women must wear loose dresses exposing only their faces and hands.

They are following the 1,400-year-old tradition of the Prophet Mohammed.

The hajj is among the five pillars of Islam and every capable Muslim must perform the pilgrimage at least once in their life.