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Three Israelis killed in Jerusalem attacks

32Three Israelis have been killed and more than 20 injured in shooting and stabbing attacks in Jerusalem and central Israel, Israeli police say.
Two were killed when two assailants, who were identified as Arabs, shot and stabbed passengers on a bus in Jerusalem before being shot by police.
Another Israeli died after being run down and stabbed elsewhere in the city.
Near-daily stabbings by Palestinians have left dozens of Israelis dead and wounded over the past fortnight.
Several attackers and at least 17 other Palestinians have been killed in the upsurge of violence.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened an emergency session of the security cabinet to discuss how to prevent further attacks.
Officials said Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan was considering whether to seal off Arab areas in East Jerusalem from the rest of the city and ease gun-control regulations.
The militant Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which dominates the Gaza Strip, praised the “heroic operations in Jerusalem and greets the heroes who carried them out”.
Escalating tensions
In the bus attack, the two assailants shot several passengers and stabbed others on board the vehicle in East Talpiot, a district in East Jerusalem also known as Armon Hanatziv, police said.
A security guard was able to overpower one of them and shoot him, the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported. The second assailant then reportedly locked the bus doors in an attempt to stop police from boarding it and passengers from escaping, but police opened fire from outside and shot him.