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Celebrating Bangladesh’s Victory Day in Milton Keynes




The joy of Bangladesh’s Victory Day, also known as ‘Bijoy Dibosh,’ filled the air in Milton Keynes as the community group ‘Ghuri’ put on a lively celebration on December 16th, 2023. This special day marks Bangladesh gaining independence after a tough nine-month-long war.

“Ghuri” is all about making sure kids growing up in England understand their Bangladeshi history. The organisers shared, “We’re working together to show our children where they come from. We hope these celebrations will help them know more about our roots.”

Families from nearby places joined in, making the event feel like a big, happy party. The organisers shoutouts to Al Ansar, a grocery store in Milton Keynes, and Faith, a printing press in London, for helping make this happen. Big thanks to our media friends, Weekly Janomot and GoGiving, for being part of this heartfelt tribute to Bangladesh’s Victory Day!