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    Jamal Khan received  ‘Freedom of the City of London’ award.


Bangla Mirror Desk:


UK’s oldest title ‘Freedom of the City of London’ has been awarded to Jamal Khan, a British social worker of Bangladeshi origin. The award was presented to Jamal Khan at London’s traditional Guild Hall on Monday, January 22. At that time, his family members and many famous people of British Bangladeshi community were present. The City of London Corporation holds the title Freedom of the City of London. Begun in 1237, this honor was only available to British and Commonwealth citizens until 1996. After 1996 it was opened to all. Many famous people have been awarded the City of London Award, including Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Queen Mother Queen Elizabeth, King Charles, Princess Diana, Winston Churchill, Clement Attlee, Margaret Thatcher, footballer Harry Kane, Nelson Mandela, Stephen Hawking. After receiving the award, Jamal Khan said, I dedicated this honor to the community. I am proud to receive this award, Britain’s oldest. I will continue the work I have done in community development. Sultan Mahmud Sharif, Shahgir Bakht Farooq, Abdul Ahad Chowdhury, Ahbab Hossain, Anshar Ahmadullah, Abdul Bachir, Golab Ali, Faizur Rahman Faiz, Rohel Ahmed were present in the award ceremony. United Kingdom Awami League President Sultan Mahmud Sharif said, “This achievement of Jamal Khan is a great honor for us. We are certainly proud. Besides, it is a source of pride for everyone as a Bengali. From his position, he will surely work to increase the honor and dignity of Bangladesh.’ Jamal Khan is the Acting General Secretary of the United Kingdom Jubo League in addition to being associated with various community organizations.